A Transformative Trip
I’ve learned so much from Neale Donald Walsch and his brilliant and humble compilations, ‘Conversations with God’ and approximately 30 other publications . I have also had the great pleasure of being in the room with him for a few retreats. What a gift it was to be in the presence of someone so deeply in touch with the truth of who they are. What an inspiration it is to me still, everyday, that I too can render my life holy, in every sacred breath, in each golden moment. I will admit that I did not go on these trips seeking to find answers or have some profound experience, I went to see Neale. I loved him and appreciated how he touched my life and wanted to share my gratitude with him personally. But what I got was so much more than I intended. Here are some of my favorite journal notes from the retreats. I hope they inspire you to look into the material.
— Every act is an act of self definition.
— Choose what shows up.
— We are here to win people not win arguments.
— Learn to hear what is not being said, see what is not being shown.
— I am empowered to actualize the highest good.
— Stay focused on what you want. Always.
— Remember what you know.
— There are no ordinary moments.
— The less your heart opens, the more it suffers.
— Everyone thinks they are right based on their idea of how the world is.
— Anything worth while will not come easy.
— Breathe between sentences.
— Trust your inner voice. Have the discernment to now what voice it is.
— The greater the struggle, the greater the glory.
— You don’t get to know it all, right now. But you will always have enough..
— If the things that you love are different from the things that you do, there can be no joy.
— The true challenge is in letting go…. in unlearning.
— Feel the favor. There is always hope.
— Keep it simple. When the questions arises, the answer appears.
— Be ready to get what you really want. Live like its coming.
— Slow down. Relinquish resistance.
— Be aware of what you have chosen to be unaware of.
— Difference does not mean division.
— The problem is, we think God handles things like we do.
— Feeling is the language of the soul.
— God doesn’t believe in atheism.
— Love comes when you’re ready.
— The place from which you are looking determines what you see. Perspective creates perception - what you see, depends on how you look at things.
—Forgiveness is the largest obstacle for spiritual growth that you will ever encounter.
— Wonderful = a place full of wonder!
— Be. Do. Have.
— Teach what you have to learn.
— Intimacy = In To Me You See
— Spiritual healing is celebrating what IS.
— No One is ever forsaken by the Ultimate Force in the Universe.
— Move from concept to function.
— Fear produced fearful outcomes.
— To change the world, you must first transform yourself.
— Move from seeker to source.
— All great art is a form of therapy.
— The 4 Fundamental Questions in Life
1) Who Am I? 2) Where Am I? 3) Why Am I Where I Am? 4) What Do I Intend To Do About It?
— 6 Step Process to Healing/Feeling
1) Believe it is possible. 2) Be prepared to know you are worthy
3) Ask yourself, have you ever loved someone without condition?
4) Open yourself to an awareness of WHAT IS, that IT IS being shared, sent, spoken to you.
5) Do not deny what you just heard. 6) Act on it immediately.
— You are worthy because you are. There are no qualifiers for being worthy.
— Praying is the focusing of essential life energy on the harnessing of the essence of the soul. It is not about God granting us a favor.
— Your vibration is your personal energy frequency. It is a culmination of every life you have ever lived, every thought you have ever had, and every action you have every performed. It is the energy that surrounds and permeates every cell in your body. Your vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and is special to only you. Just like there are no 2 snowflakes alike, no 2 souls in the entire universe have the same name of the same soul signature. Thats how incredibly unique you are. Your vibration is a direct reflection of you inner thoughts and feelings, beliefs, choice of words, how well you take care of yourself, the earth, and others.
— Joy is my compass. Faith is my map. Stop looking. Start seeing.
— The next step is to free yourself.
Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God Books, 1, 2, 3, & 4.